
Part 4 표보고 질문에 답하기


7번 간단한 정보를 확인하는 의문사 의문

8번 차트위 상세 내용을 확인하는 질문

9번 질문 속 키워드와 관련한 모든 사항을 물어보는 질문




표읽기 tip



 1:00 PM

Opening Speech - President, Film Festival Committee 


The President of Film Festival Committee will give an opening speech at 1:00 PM


o There will be an opening speech given by the president of Film Festival Commitee at 1:00PM


표읽기는 빨간색 부분을 추가하고 나머지는 표에 있는 그대로 쓰면 된다.



답변에 덧붙이는 표현


o Don't be late

o Please keep that in mind

o I hope you  don't miss any of it



변경된 일정 표현


o No, online participation was available

  However, it has been calceled


변경에 대한 표현 tip

o It has been delayed

o It has been postponed

o It has been moved

o It has been changed




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